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Welcome to Hearing @ Loftus Audiology. Never stop listening!

Welcome to Hearing @ Loftus Audiology. Never stop listening!

Custom Hearing Protection

Hearing Loss From Noise Is Permanent - Get Protected

Restore Your Hearing Clarity Today


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Can Noise Cause Hearing Loss?

Exposure to loud noise may cause damage to hairs or nerve cells in the inner ear that send sound signals to the brain. When these hairs or nerve cells are damaged, electrical signals aren't transmitted as efficiently, and hearing loss occurs.

Higher pitched tones may become muffled and it may become difficult to pick out words against background noise.

Some noisy occupations can increase your risk of developing hearing loss. This cause of hearing loss is the easiest type to prevent by limiting exposure to loud noise and wearing hearing protection.

Sounds that can damage your ears:

Impulse noises at 140 dBA and above

Shotguns and firecrackers have a noise level of 150 dBA and should be avoided.

Painfully loud noises between 121 and 170 dBA

Jackhammers, rock concerts, airplane takeoff, loud stereos, balloons popping and police or ambulance sirens are all sounds in the 121 and 170 dBA decibel range and can cause hearing damage within 30 seconds.

Very loud noises between 101 and 120 dBA

Very loud noises can cause hearing damage in just two hours: baby crying, squeaky toys, chainsaws, the subway, snowblowers, leaf blowers, live sporting events, headphones turned to maximum volume and the sound caused by a passing motorcycle.

Everyday household sounds with noise levels between 85 and 100 dBA  can cause hearing damage within 8 hours.

Lawn mowers, handsaws, heavy traffic, garbage disposals, vacuum cleaners, noisy restaurants, blenders, hairdryers and factory machinery.

How do I protect my hearing?

There are many ways to prevent hearing loss or stop it from getting worse. Noise-induced hearing loss is the easiest type to prevent by limiting exposure to loud noise and wearing hearing protection.

Hearing protection generally comes in the form of earplugs, earmuffs or noise-canceling headphones.

Hearing@Loftus specialises in custom Hearing protection earplugs that are Department of Labour and SABS certified and made of acoustically impenetrable materials. When sized correctly and inserted into the ear, they provide excellent hearing protection. 

They are ideal for hunters, weapon enthusiasts, people working in noisy environments and DIY enthusiasts operating noisy machinery.

Protect yourself against noise-induced hearing loss

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Hearing@Loftus also provide comprehensive reports and hearing health recommendations for company's employees, in compliance with the current Health and Safety Act.

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